Whoa. This is absolutely me. I constantly have to remind myself to dial back — the noise, my goals, my incessant need to achieve rather than just be and enjoy. Thank you for this!

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Let's set a goal to make fewer goals and we can be accountability buddies?? lol

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Jun 27Liked by Morgan Dick

I clearly needed this essay, because I read it on my phone while walking, since I forgot my earbuds at home and apparently could not walk ten blocks without some form of stimulation or productivity.

Yes, there is too much - more books than I can read, more classes than I can take, more places than I can go. More life than I can live. I try to revel in the abundance rather than being stressed out by it, but I don't always succeed.

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I have yet to master the reading-while-walking trick! (But maybe that's a good thing in my case haha!) Thanks for reading, Erica.

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Like Anna, and you, I have to monitor myself or I’ll push too hard and burn out. So I only write four hours a day, even though my mind tells me to keep going. I used to listen to podcasts while walking and cleaning, but then striving was 24/7. Now I listen to music when I clean and to birds when I walk, because my mind needs a break from all the striving. Glad you made time to stop and “smell” the roses! 🥀

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"Striving" is exactly the perfect word for it! And it's amazing how much energy it takes up...

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