Thanks for sharing your 17 thoughts. I can relate to most of them although I haven’t even started querying yet. I hope when I finish Draft 8 it’s good enough to start that process this summer. I’ve been writing my novel since Nov. 2019 and I totally get the critique jitters but I’m glad you didn’t shirk—love that word, and em dashes—them because their feedback makes our work stronger.

I LOVE YIUR FIRST PAGE. And I’m not your mom so you must believe me! And that first sentence is one f-ing hook! (The F word is one of my favorite words.) There is so much to love about your fist page. Conflict and intrigue. What happened to her relationship with her dad? Why were they so estranged that she learned about his death from the obits? And the therapist she must see is her unknown sister? Excellent and funny twist. The kindergarten setting is hilarious. The pace keeps me reading. It’s very visual. I can see that boy in the floor. Your first page tells me I’m in for a twisty and witty family drama. Can’t wait to preorder! Congratulations on making it to publication! I’m sure you’ll write books forever!

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Thank you for the kind words, Marta!! I'm glad the opening intrigued you! That's exactly what I was going for with the first line. It's hard to know how much backstory to let slip but hopefully I've struck a good balance. Good luck with your revision process and let me know if you ever want an extra pair of eyes on your query letter or opening pages before you hit send!

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Thank you! That’s very generous of you. I’ll take you up on that. ♥️

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Aug 27Liked by Morgan Dick

I really enjoyed reading the first page of your novel. The sense I got about your protagonist was that she was a dedicated, efficient teacher and a kind human who compartmentalizes well. Taking Ian’s creation seriously ( or as seriously as is humanly possible) and not leaving him in the front office even though it’s 45 min past school letting out says a lot about her.

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Thank you, Ines! She is a tremendous teacher and it was important to me to portray that right from the get go!

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Hi Morgan! I loved your first page. It was familiar; did you get it reviewed on TSNOTYAW?! I could swear I listened to that episode ❤️ Congratulations! 🌻✈️

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Thanks, Francesca! I did not get it reviewed (but I do love that podcast!!)

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Aug 12Liked by Morgan Dick

The internal dialogue on the book is too relatable haha 😂

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haha thanks, Liz!

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Jun 2Liked by Morgan Dick

I love that you’re being so honest about the process and your headspace. Your list of thoughts is hilarious and so relatable.

Love the first page. You waste no time throwing us into the story and I want to know what happens with that kindergartener! Is he the one who has an accident or has it been hours since Mickey could go? As a former kindergarten teacher, I know both are possible scenarios!😂 Love your hook too. Sounds like it’s going to be a fun read for all of us!

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Thank you, Maria!!

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I thought I already made this comment but I clearly worked myself up into a tizzy of over excitement and forgot to press send—I am very excited for your book!!! No advice for you on the 17 thoughts and Goodreads front, I’m afraid, but I have *sense* you’ll handle it with grace and maturity.

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Thank you for the support, Tara!!

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May 30Liked by Morgan Dick

Ah Morgan, thanks for sharing! I'm so excited! Your 17 thoughts sound so similar to what Anne writes about in Bird by Bird and I think are very familiar to many.

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Thanks, Andrea! I've never read that but definitely need to!!

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ha! I have the same 17 thoughts!

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Good to know I'm not alone! I'm seriously mourning Goodreads already...

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ha! I have the same 17 thoughts!

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